Put Your Star on the Map!
Your star on the map answers the question “Why should I protect my part of the river if no one else is protecting there part? Use one of the seven methods below and PUT YOUR STAR ON THE MAP!
Seven Ways to Put a Star on the Map
Conservation Easement
Restrict Your Deed
A deed restriction is a written agreement that limits how you can use your property. Deed restrictions can limit what you build, how you use your home, and more. They are private agreements that are connected to the land, not the structure built on it. In theory, everyone who buys the home must obey any restrictions unless there is an expiration date. See a lawyer about this option
DNR Streambank Protection
The program purchases easements directly from landowners. In return for payment, the landowner allows public fishing and DNR management activities along the stream corridor on their property. The easement area is generally 66 feet of land from the stream bank on either side of the stream. Easements are perpetual and remain on the land even if it sold or deeded to an heir..
DNR Healthy Lakes and Rivers Grant
The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources can help with Healthy Lakes & Rivers Grants. Any eligible applicant can apply for these grants. The grants provide up to $1,000 per Best Practice and up to $25,000 for an eligible applicant applying on behalf of multiple property owners
USDA Natural Resources Conservation Services Initiative
Nearly three-fourths of the technical assistance provided by the agency goes to helping farmers develop conservation systems uniquely suited to their land and individual ways of doing business. The agency also provides assistance to other private landowners and rural and urban communities to reduce erosion, conserve and protect water, and solve other resource problems.
Reintroduce Native Plant Species
Brochure describes native plants that you can plant including
- Milkweed (photo above)
- Wild geranium
- Columbine
- Solomons Seal
#7 Do it yourself
Write your own plan for shore, wetland, or watershed protection. Contact YRPC and we can help guide your custom plan
Let us know which of the seven methods you use and we will put YOUR star on the map!
Your Name Here
Contact us to let us answer your questions