Preserving the Yellow River
In Washburn & Burnett Counties
“The Yellow River is a special, ecologically-resilient land and nature corridor that, if protected, can mitigate the effects of climate change.”
The Nature Conservancy
What We do

Become a Star Member
Join Guardians of the River to preserve the river. Become a Star Member

- Identify land for sale.
- Purchase the land
- Protect the land with a conservation easement or a deed restriction.
- Resell the land

River Monitoring
Two Water quality monitoring programs


Our Mission & Values
To protect the Yellow River Watershed by:
- Protecting Yellow River flora, fauna, water quality, and habitats
- Enhancing appreciation of the Yellow River, its history, and people
- Realizing the Yellow River’s potential as an ecologically resilient land and water corridor to help mitigate the effects of climate change
- Respecting the rights of private property owners
In the end, our society will be defined not only by what we create, but by what we refuse to destroy.
John C Sawhill, President, The Nature Conservancy, 1990-2000

Contact Us
Join our efforts or Donate today!