Preserving the Yellow River

In Washburn & Burnett Counties

“The Yellow River is a special, ecologically-resilient land and nature corridor that, if protected, can mitigate the effects of climate change.”

The Nature Conservancy

What We do

Become a Star Member

Join Guardians of the River to preserve the river. Become a Star Member

  1. Identify land for sale.
  2. Purchase the land
  3. Protect the land with a conservation easement or a deed restriction.
  4. Resell the land
River Monitoring

Two Water quality monitoring programs

Our Mission & Values

To protect the Yellow River Watershed by:

  • Protecting Yellow River flora, fauna, water quality, and habitats
  • Enhancing appreciation of the Yellow River, its history, and people
  • Realizing the Yellow River’s potential as an ecologically resilient land and water corridor to help mitigate the effects of climate change
  • Respecting the rights of private property owners


In the end, our society will be defined not only by what we create, but by what we refuse to destroy.

Contact Us

Join our efforts or Donate today!